Doctor Who Series 4 - A Retrospective

Jan 14, 2010 00:18

The final complete series with David Tennant as the Doctor. *sniff* I love series 4. Well, except for that one thing. You'll figure out who that is in a bit. Series 4 features a lot of returns, a lot of call backs. It's glorious. Now for the breakdown! Allons-y!

The DoctorDonna )

david tennant, doctor who

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princess__di January 14 2010, 16:50:31 UTC
My absolute favorite moment is that scene in Voyage of the Damned. It was just so serious, and then in typical Ten fashion the allons-y comes and its just back to blowing things up and madness. I loved Voyage of the Damned because the whole Titanic thing made it hysterically funny. I love the ship (hate the movie) so seeing a spaceship of it was interesting. It just shows how important all history is, in ways.

I'm still not getting the whole yay Georgia Moffett vibe so Doctor's Daughter is probably the one episode I won't like if I watch again (I haven't seen a majority of series 4 since it aired...though I'm a US fan). I can't explain my reasoning.

Matt Smith's Doctor, I will watch for curiosity's sake, though I do want to see what Moffett will do to explain the significance of River Song in this next series. Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead had a great creepy overall plot. Just the subplot with Song and the Doctor was just lacking.

Turn Left is my absolute favorite episode. And it was a good way to bring back Rose with her "Bad Wolf". the reunion in Stolen Earth/Journey's End was bittersweet. Though I did love the companions all returning this first time (End of Time Part 2 being the second) Captain Jack. YAY for him.

The growing a TARDIS thing I believe was a deleted scene on one of the discs. I love the line in that scene. The Doctor. In the TARDIS. With Rose Tyler. Just as it should be. :)

my comment was long. I apologize. I know not a single person that watches Doctor Who. its sad


michellemtsu January 14 2010, 17:21:15 UTC
Yeah, the growing a TARDIS thing was a deleted scene. I like it a lot. That line is great.

You don't know anyone who watches Doctor Who? Oh no! I've converted quite a few people in the last couple of weeks. The marathon that BBCA had just before The End of Time Part 2 helped a lot. :)

As far as Matt Smith goes, I'll read recaps to find out what's going on. I am curious how Moffat's going to explain River though. The way she talked I always thought her Doctor was older, like older than David kind of older. And Matt is....not. Explain THAT, Steven! :)

I loved your long comment! Thanks for reading my ramblings! :)


princess__di January 14 2010, 18:21:08 UTC
Alas, I don't have BBCA, and nobody I know likes SciFi, so they'll never be interested. They'd never understand the greatness of Ten and Who.

I also want to say that I'm definitely one of those people that did not like the whole metacrisis thing and the half human Doctor. Though the DoctorDonna was fascinating...until the end. While the growing TARDIS thing was cute, Rose still got the constellation prize in the end.

Your ramblings were fun to read, can't wait to hear about the specials :)


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