May 01, 2011 18:51
Antigone was also an interesting play to read about. The sphincts answer the riddle and are tricky. The creatures leave thiebes alone if they answer the riddle. Creon was the uncle of Antigone and he thinks that her brother is a traitor. His power and ruling was over thiebes. This conflict was the church and religion versus state. Mans lawas mean nothing in the face of God’s laws. Sophociles thought Antigone was right because the people thought that she was. The tragic hero was the son of Creon, Haman. The festival part of dianysis was the God of wine, dine, and sex. The playwrights would put together a trilogy. The Chorus reminds people of who is who because they are drunk. The main view is to reflect the point of view of the common man. The view of the common man is rich, influential, has power and is old with age. They make the laws and are in touch with what people want. The author of the greek play uses the Chorus to influence audiences opinion. Creon tries to act as if he cares. He says “I’ll punish her, but leave it up to the Gods.” The tragic hero is Creon because he changes throughout the story. He loses everything except for his niece without a backbone. He loses his wife, son, and other niece with a backbone. The choruse sets the scene, tells you how to respond, reminds us of the story, and reflects the views of the common man.