that story is not funny!

May 03, 2011 15:26



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anonymous May 4 2011, 01:49:57 UTC
I really don't like Avery with jack but i don' t think she's gone for good because it doesn't make sense at all ... half the season 4 they made Jack choose between her and Nancy and boom the next season they get married have a baby and she disappeared like that ??... wow they could have avoiding the whole thing then. That said if she's really gone, i'm good with it but i find it really weird and a little unfair to let Jack like that alone with Lidy ... of course if it means a closer relationship between him and Liz, i'm on board.

I guess we'll see a big cliffhanger in the season finale and she'll be back next season once Jack will have "forget" her and she will confront him . I was thinking that if it's really Alec's last season next year, maybe they are thinking that they can let her come back and Jack will leave with her ... god i hope i'm wrong. Or Jack & Liz can start a relationship (a girl can dream) next season and Avery comes back ... long story short, Jack & Liz realize they're better as friends and Jack leaves with Avery and Alec doesn't come back.


michellek May 4 2011, 04:45:01 UTC
That's my guess, too, that she'll return next year after Jack has given up hope, but I saw a bunch of people saying, "Well, that's it for Avery!" and I wondered what most people thought.

I have wondered if 'Jack leaves with Avery' was going to be the plan to get rid of Alec. Honestly, though, I'd prefer the show to end at the end of season six, as I don't really want to watch the show without Jack and I really don't think a show gets better when it gets into seasons seven/eight/nine and that they should quit before it gets to that point.


frey_at_last May 4 2011, 05:07:29 UTC
"Jack leaves with Avery" is possibly the most awful and depressing end to Alec Baldwin's presence on this show that I can think of.

But now I feel like I've really thrown down the gauntlet for the writers...

And I mean, going on without Alec is ALREADY beyond the pale awful. They would be so foolish to do it.


mindymakru May 4 2011, 05:21:35 UTC
I agree with *all* of this. Not a good idea to continue without him and if they have him exit with her THAT would be the WORST!! THEEEEE WOOOOOORST EVEEEEER! Ugh...

Having said that, this show is pretty damn awesome at just dropping major plots when it's just convenient for them. So I voted that she's gone for good. Based on their track record, I belive this plausible. And preferrable. I think they might have been online, seen some fans reactions and FINALLY done what they should have done at the beginning of the season. Given her the chop. (Though as I've said before, I would have preferred Jack to simply come to his senses and dump her bony ass for being such a horrorshow of womanhood.) I haven't seen the ep, but I voted that I hated it just cos coming from extremely low expectations is the only way for me to view the show these days. I renounce my attachment to them. As much as I can.


michellek May 4 2011, 06:27:50 UTC
I do think 30 Rock probably is the show most likely to permanently dispatch of someone in this fashion.


michellek May 4 2011, 06:24:08 UTC
They have almost a year to think about it, so I'm sure they could come up with something way more disheartening.

But I agree, it is the worst end I could think of.

I really, really hope Tina changes her mind. I thought five or six seasons was the plan anyway? Or it was at one point. Stick to your guns, lady!


lz1982 May 4 2011, 14:20:46 UTC
I know! I also read that she wanted to convince Alec to stay. Why would she do that? I totally get why he wants to do other things. (I don't really think he should go into politics, but that's a whole other story.)


anonymous May 4 2011, 20:33:59 UTC
Well i understand that she doesn't want to go on without him. She said many times that it lasted that long thanks to him. I thought she was going to stop the show if Alec left but lately, she said that she didn't want to let down all the people who work on 30 rock so if NBC want to go on, they will with or without Alec.
She doesn't seem to believe Alec when he says that he wants to leave the show so we'll see what's going to happen.


michellek May 4 2011, 22:38:58 UTC
I really can't predict how it will go down. BUT if he's serious I think they should just end the show with him, instead of doing what The Office or Scrubs did. (Though I guess we don't know how successful the Carell-less Office will be.)


michellek May 4 2011, 22:35:54 UTC
I understand why she'd want him to stay if she has her mind set on going into seasons seven and eight... but I still don't get why she wouldn't want to stick to the six year plan. (I don't think he should, either.)


lz1982 May 5 2011, 13:45:07 UTC
Yeah, I more meant, "Why would she want the show to continue, period?" Especially now that she is having another kid. You'd think she would want her work life to be a little less crazy.


michellek May 5 2011, 16:38:15 UTC
Yeah, I am very surprised she wants to keep going. I think she has said stuff in the past saying that she wouldn't be able to handle this workload for long, so why not get out now?


lz1982 May 6 2011, 15:54:45 UTC
Plus, as you said, pretty much no TV shows do their best work in Seasons 7-9.


szoszo May 6 2011, 22:22:44 UTC
(i want to say that this is going to be a mostly self-ironic word vomit but they say that every joke is 50% true so...)

oh no guys, you're being depressing. i have these steps of things when i think about my shows that go something like:

1. it should go on forever, without much change. i should have as much access to my platonic loves as possible.

above that, i'm willing to negotiate ->

2. if it's shit, they should keep every character.

3. if they let some characters go, it should at least be good, OR bring in some new people, that i can like.

4. if it definitely has to end, make everything happen that i WANT OR ELSE.

5. but basically keep everyone, don't change anything, and go on forever. you see i don't put much emphasis on quality but i guess that's no surprise, knowing i still watch house md.

(6. get them together in the last episode - optional. that's what fanfiction's for. nevertheless i love otps that actually become canon.

7. but if you don't get them together you need to leave the options to that happening OPEN AT ALL COST.)

what i think no tv show seems to be able to do is keep their characters true to themselves. after a while they all start to act out and do shit that makes you think wtf but that also could be because i think that being true to themselves would be getting together and they never seem to do that mwhahahahahaha. anyways i guess my point is i don't want 30 rock to be over and i don't want alec to go :( but from my limited access to 30 rock news, tina seemed pretty optimistic about alec not leaving to me.

okay word vomit/mouth diarreah over.


michellek May 7 2011, 00:33:45 UTC
I think part of it, outside of any quality decline (which I think all shows suffer) is my own personal problem which is that I don't think I'm capable of watching a show forever. At least not with real excitement. Like, I'm sort of a kid at Chuck E. Cheese, who at first is full of excitement. Enjoying every moment of wonder and singing animatronic animals. Then, I start to get cranky, start to wonder why they keep playing that same song over and over, but I'm still enjoying myself and eating pizza. Long story short, eventually I start stomping on the floor and screaming about how I want to go home, and my mother curses the day she ever decided to have children.

Okay, that metaphor went off the rails. What I mean, though, is that I do feel a desire to move on from TV series after a while, especially when I feel less engaged by the show as it stands (and know that is only going to get worse, not better). So, honestly, I would prefer the show to end after six seasons instead of me watching 30 Rock just because I have for so long and it's still on TV.


md123 May 24 2011, 22:56:07 UTC
I predict that the long hiatus will cause the ratings to crater and make the whole Alec issue irrelevant.


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