Title: Like It Never Happened
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairings: Jack/Liz, Jack/Avery, Liz/Carol
drabbles100 #065. Passing
Word Count: 355
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Mrs. Donaghy"
Author's Notes:
Table is here.Summary: They decide to share a toast to their short marriage and, more importantly, its swift dissolution.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
They decide to share a toast to their short marriage and, more importantly, its swift dissolution. (Liz asks about Avery, his promise to her; Jack says that she won't be back for two more days, and what she doesn't know can't cause her to force him to sleep on the couch.)
"To knowing what's important."
She nods, returns his smile. Then tries to think of something different to say. She comes up with: "To being able to say that I have an ex-husband so people won't think I'm a weirdo, being forty years old and not having been married at least once. They don't have to know it wasn't *real.*" She grimaces. "Too long?"
"You can commemorate this moment whatever way you wish to."
They clink their glasses together; sip their drinks.
He hands her a pen and takes her wine, perhaps afraid she'll mess things up again and spill it on the ticket out of their accidental marriage. She leans forward towards the table, where the divorce papers lie. His signature is already on its allotted spot and she finds herself hesitating. Not because she wants to stay married to him -- that would be a nightmare, huh? It already was, actually, but *really* being his wife would be worse, it would *not* work -- so the hesitation doesn't last long. But, after she signs, after she becomes the second ex-wife of Jack Donaghy, she finds herself wondering when it is she's going to have a more significant relationship than this one. And if it means they're dysfunctional, the two of them sharing such a meaningful relationship with each other. If it's wrong that their most important connection to someone else isn't related to their romantic destinies.
(But that's just friendship, isn't it? That's just normal.)
It occurs to her she hasn't talked to Carol in days. So she bypasses what's on her mind, says: "Do you think I should tell Carol we got married? Or would that give him the wrong idea?"
He hands the glass back to Liz; picks up the papers. "It was simply a mistake," he says. "I'm sure he'll understand."