Title: Let's Not Worry About Tomorrow
The Alphabet MemeFandom: Parks and Recreation
Pairing: Ron/Leslie
Prompt: F is for Future Husband. (For
Word Count: 694
Rating: PG
Summary: "No, I'm not having cold feet..."
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue!
cut tag. )
And I don't love Ron/Leslie as much as Jack/Liz or Jeff/Annie, either. But I do love them.
It comes back on January 20th. Which is now this month, since I'm replying on January first. Or January second, if I don't finish this comment in the next five minutes. (Note: I didn't, since I'm previewing this comment to check for typos at the stroke of midnight. Drats.)
I hate TV. If boys weren't so pretty and ships weren't so wonderful, I wouldn't watch TV at all.
ha, ilu.
BASICally I wanted to say that I wish I liked them more so that I could get the utmost enjoyment out of more of your fics but I like them okay and so I still get to read your fics and that makes me happy.
And that makes me happy!
Then when I post your Leverage fic, I will message you/comment on your LJ. Fear killed!
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