Title: You and I
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz, mentioned Liz/Carol
drabbles100 #088. He
Word Count: 351
Rating: PG
Author's Notes:
Table is here.Summary: She has someone, at least. (Follows '
Three Floors Up.')
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
A lot of the time, being in bed with Carol felt weird. Not in a gross way, like he had overly long toenails or kept grabbing her boob in his sleep. It just seemed awkward, sharing her bed with someone. Not that she hadn't done it before -- with Dennis, Floyd, Drew -- but it became serious pretty fast. Became 'we both need to settle down,' and she so completely wanted it to be right, she thinks that's part of the reason she never relaxed. Part of the reason she didn't fall in love with him.
Sharing a bed with Jack feels less weird -- which is weird -- and she assumes it's because they're always spending the night at his place, so it feels like she's on vacation. Divorced from reality, even though Jack is an integral part of her everyday life. (Maybe the key is: this isn't serious. This is a fling, isn't a relationship -- yikes that word -- and neither of them has to deal with the expectations of the person they'd like to be their soulmate, the expectations of themselves.) It's weird, too, how things haven't really changed between them at work, except for a few awkward conversations that have usually been her fault.
(Yesterday, there was this:
"Lemon, are you wearing pajama jeans?"
"I will have you know that they're stylish and comfortable. And there's no mark on my skin!"
"The first part is definitely not true; I will take your word on the other claims."
"Well," she pointed both thumbs at herself, "I know a certain Lemon who's not getting any tonight." Jonathan walked in as she said this, and she continued, "Because I'm not having sex with anyone, not because someone who's been having sex with me might be turned off."
Jonathan's glance at her was disdainful.)
Sometimes, when she's alone in her bed, she misses him. That might be the weirdest thing of all, or maybe it's a good sign. Maybe it means she'll find someone she needs; someone she feels comfortable sharing her own bed, her life, with.
Until then, at least she has someone.