30 Rock, Jack/Liz, Random One, Prompt #17. Distraction

Jul 01, 2010 23:43

Title: Secret Something (Maybe?)
Author: michellek
Challenge: drabble123
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairings: Jack/Liz, Jack/Jenna
Table: Random One
Prompt: #17. Distraction
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: Liz thinks Jack and Jenna haven't stopped sleeping together. (Follows "Stop it, Stop It, Stop.")

Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.


Liz thinks Jack and Jenna haven't stopped sleeping together.

She has no proof. It's a feeling. A feeling she should ignore because this is what she wanted. She wanted to be kept out of it, and now she is.

But if Jack hasn't stopped having sex with Jenna, the fact that he's carrying on a relationship with an employee would still be hypocritical. So it's not like her objections could be completely wiped out by Jack and Jenna sneaking around. It would only make them easier to ignore.

Well. It should make them easier to ignore.

And she hates that she's distracted by *not* knowing. That she's worried about what's happening between them. That suddenly they'll be in love -- the thought of them in love makes her, for some reason, want to punch people -- and unable to hide their affair any longer. And then she'll definitely have to hear about it. All the time.

But that's not going to happen.


The uncertainty also makes her want to punch someone. Mostly Jack. Because he *could* control himself. Jenna's had the hots for him forever, but he didn't have to offer himself up like a plate of cold cuts. Okay. That's the worst food metaphor ever. Though she enjoys a nice plate of cold cuts. Who doesn't? Jenna, actually. You know what? Jack shouldn't be any food. Making him food just confuses the situation.

Also, she hates that her brain brought up cold cuts and she's continuing to wonder about Jack and Jenna. She should be thinking about making a sandwich, but--

Even if they're not involved, even if she never has to hear about them as a couple (gross) again, she's still pissed off at the idea of them *ever* sleeping together.

That has to... mean something, doesn't it?



She wishes the answer were no.


drabble123 (claim #7), jack/liz, jack/jenna, 30 rock

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