Title: Uncovered Fandom: 30 Rock Pairing: Jack/Liz Prompt: drabbles100 #090. It Word Count: 468 Rating: PG Author's Notes: Table is here. Summary: "We did it." An all-dialogue morning after.
I agree with jesshelga. Your Lemon is SO ON. Seriously. Her love/contempt for Jack and back-and-forth is wonderful.
And I love that there wasn't an ounce of description in this entire drabble; that it was all dialogue. I DEFINITELY do not have the discipline to do that, lol, so kudos to you!
And I'm glad the whole dialogue-only think worked for you. I really did it because the description was sort of dull as I started writing it, at least compared to the dialogue. So I said, screw it and just wrote what they were saying. :)
so so SO Good! Liz's freaking out is Spot On! I love dialogue fics, and i think the one work especially well because you have their voices so right that I could hear their voices as I read.
Comments 25
And I love that there wasn't an ounce of description in this entire drabble; that it was all dialogue. I DEFINITELY do not have the discipline to do that, lol, so kudos to you!
*adds to mems*
And I'm glad the whole dialogue-only think worked for you. I really did it because the description was sort of dull as I started writing it, at least compared to the dialogue. So I said, screw it and just wrote what they were saying. :)
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