Title: Older, Sadder (And Trying to be Wiser)
Claim: Addison of Grey's Anatomy. (See table
Pairing: Addison/Meredith
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 481
smut_69: #67. Writer's Choice
Spoilers: through "The Name of the Game"
Summary: They were friends (but not really).
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Whenever she fucked Meredith, Addison thought of Derek.
It made sense - if they weren't both in love with him, they wouldn't have become friends (if that was the right word, which it really wasn't). Plus, Addison never cheated on her husband without thinking of him (and blaming him and wishing that he wanted her the way he used to).
She wondered if that made her actions more understandable or more callous.
Meredith shifted in her place underneath Addison and, when she looked up, Meredith was staring at the ceiling.
"Watch me," Addison said. "Or you're being rude."
It only sounded strange to Addison after she said it, but she was a little drunk. And her head was between Meredith's breasts and her fingers were easing inside her so, really, she deserved a little recognition. (If she was going to have another affair, it should be with someone who openly resented her less than her husband.)
Meredith let out a groan. "You're going to tell me about bedroom etiquette?" She paused. "Maybe you should, actually."
She laughed without enthusiasm, then looked down at Addison with a smile that was slightly more genuine than her laugh.
"Private joke?" Addison said.
"Something like that. But not really."
"Not really?"
"Not really a joke." Her breath hitched and her hint of humor faded. "Not really private."
She held Meredith's gaze as she slid her fingers further inside her. Meredith was warm and wet and was looking at her as if she was almost the person she wanted (instead of a never could be) and Meredith was moaning louder the faster she moved her hand.
And Addison couldn't help but picture his face if he found them. Would he stare at them with that same blank look that he had when he first caught her with someone else or would he be seized by anger?
(Would he fight for Meredith in the way he refused to fight for Addison?)
How Addison imagined the scene, it was beautiful chaos. And it was more satisfying than the reality of sliding her tongue over Meredith's nipple and curving her fingers in the way that made Meredith's body arch. Because if this was exposed, there would be no way to sink back into denial. No excuse for Derek to pretend that he and Meredith had any better a chance at a future than he and Addison. Of course, that would mean her marriage was over. (But maybe she wanted the slim hope for repair to finally wither.)
Meredith dug her fingernails into Addison's back enough to make Addison wince. Addison brought her mouth to Meredith's, letting Meredith kiss her in her strange, hesitant way as Addison circled her clit with her thumb.
As she made Meredith come, Addison closed her eyes and tried not to dream of things breaking. (And pretended that she didn't want it all to crumble.)