Oct 10, 2008 22:03
Pippi, the silly puff-headed duck died today. I had always suspected that she had a rather weak constitution, but hoped it wouldn't get the best of her. She seemed a little solitary yesterday but when I checked her over for injuries and symptoms I could find none (I prefer not to treat if I don't know the cause). It seems like she went quietly, at least.
In going through my photos I realized that I don't have any good ones of her -she was always the quietest in terms of noise and personality, and was usually snoozing or had her head stuck in the mud rooting out some tasty grubs. Wish you could've had one last rainy day, Pippi, but I'm glad to have known you.
And yikes, this means I now have TWO females and FOUR males. Not good. But things should be okay until next spring, hopefully by then I will be able to decide if I keep the girls or the boys. But ARGGH, I want them all! But not if the boys are going harass the girls so badly... *sigh* That's life, I guess. :\