Food Meme

Mar 15, 2008 22:31

Tagged by Meg, and I'm a sucker for memes...

1. If you have to choose between locally grown or organic, which do you usually choose?
Most of the locally grown stuff is organic anyway, so win-win!

2. Favorite way to prepare potatoes:
Cut up and roasted with olive oil and fresh rosemary -very simple and delicious! Also love baked, casseroles, and mashed, mmmmm, potatoes...

3. Do you press your tofu before preparing/cooking it (if you eat soy)?
Yep. I didn't the first time though, 'cause I didn't know you were supposed to -it was yicky.

4. Name your favorite recipe that is a tradition in your family:
Grandma's Lebkuchen and stollen. My mom's apple crisp that I still can't replicate.

5. Any food allergies?
Nope, just preferences. :P

6. When you want to go to a fancy dinner, where do you go?
What is this "fancy" you speak of? We don't go out much, and I'm sure Olive Garden doesn't qualify.

7. When you have a cold, what do you crave?
Grandma's applesauce, still frosty from the freezer -it's my miracle cure!

8. What kind of water do you drink? (Filtered, spring, tap, etc.)
Agh, I can't get Ian to stop buying bottled water, and when it's around I'll drink it. Otherwise tap.

9. Name a flavor of soda you'd love to see:
There's enough soda variety as it is. If I could have a vat of Crystal Lite Peach Iced Tea (or Snapple's Diet Peach Tea) installed in my house I'd probably drink it forever, LOL.

10. If the recipes you ate as a child were compiled into a cookbook, what would the title be?
The Reason You're Fat :P
Actually, that's not true. I'm fat because I don't move enough and I eat too much of everything.

11. If you were allowed to grow one food that can't grow in your climate, what would it be?
Just one?! Bananas. They seem so common-place, but they're not. Central and South America just got devasted by flooding and now the fruit is super expensive.

12. Favorite type of mushroom?
Plain ol' white button. :B

13. Most frustrating part of your kitchen?
You mean besides the fact that it doesn't clean itself?
The cabinets. All the cabinets with two doors opening into one large space have a board vertically in the middle, so everything has to be able to fit in the width of one door. More annoying than you'd think. :\

14. Last food you burned?
I haven't burned anything in a while, but I did overbake some tofu -it turned into sharp hollow squares. D:

15. Usual response to a veg*n's favorite question, "But where do you get your protein?":
Alvarado St. Bakery's "California Protien" bread! I love it; lots of whole and sprouted grains.

16. If you were baking your own birthday cake today, what flavor would it be?
Lemon. But I'd rather have rhubarb pie or crisp! :9

17. Favorite brand of chocolate chips?
Whatever's there.

18. You have $200 of your tax return reserved for Williams Sonoma - What do you buy?
LOL, that'll probably buy me a couple silicone utencils and a set of dishtowels. :P
Seriously though, I've snapped all but one of my spatulas in half -where are the good ones?!

19. Do you plan your menus in advance? Any tips to share?
Not really, only when I know I want to have a certain thing at some point in the week.

20. You have 3 minutes before you have to leave the house and you're starving- What do you eat?
A banana or a slice of wheat bread with (fake)butter.

21. If Martha Stewart, Paula Deen, and Rachel Ray got into a fight, who would win and how?
Don't know Paula Deen, don't care for Rachel Ray, but I like Martha -she'll shank you in the yard.

22. If you eat oatmeal, what do you add to it before serving?
I haven't made oatmeal from scratch because we have about six instant boxes to go through yet. I like raisins, apples, and cinnamon.

23. If you got to travel to one country and learn all the traditional dishes there, where would you go (ignore commitments in your current place of residence)?
All the islands of Japan. And perhaps Germany.

24. Favorite late night snack?
An apple, frozen or chilled grapes, small handful of chocolate chips, or a Satsuma orange.

25. Favorite springtime food?
Rhubarb! And asparagus and freshly shelled peas.

26. Favorite food-related magazine?
I read Bon Appetit third-hand (thanks Susan and Grandma!) and usually tear out one or two recipies to try at some point.

27. Which do you prefer: shoyu, tamari, conventional soy sauce, or Bragg's Aminos?
I like the kind at restaurants, it's probably Kikkoman. :P I don't use much straight soy sauce.

28. What vegetable or fruit do you dislike the most?
I don't really care for lima beans, at least, not the ones in the frozen assortments. Also don't care for jicama(?).

29. Name a holiday food you look forward to all year long:
Lebkuchen and fruitcake!

30. If you could convert anyone to veganism with your magic wand, who would you convert?
"NOBODY expects the-" Oops, wrong conversion. :P
How about Dr.Atkins? OH WAIT.

I'm hungry now. :P


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