Random Latestness...

Dec 15, 2007 23:21

- Was about to make soup out of my chickens this week. D:<
Fifi's superficial wounds had healed, and I was starting to work on reintegrating her back into the flock. Within a day or so it was apparent that she had lost her rank in the flock (was second from bottom) and is now the bottom girl. I know it doesn't seem like that much of a difference, but it is -now everyone can pick on her and she has no-one to pick on. And she's not very good at getting away from the peckers. The first day that she was loose with the flock all the birds chased her into a corner, held her down, and practically scalped her. RRRGGH. So now she's back in isolation again recovering from a few cuts and a complete lack of feathers on one side of her head. Very VERY frustrating. If I can't find a way to reintegrate her I'll likely have to rehome her -along with Sophie so she has a rank peer. Which sucks. I love the little banties, they're so dang cute, and Fifi has such gorgeous coloring -just like LaRoo. *frustrated gesturing*

- Had a pretty good time while Ian's friend was here. Nic came out from Colorado for about five days last week and spent a good chunk of it playing music with Ian and the guys. I felt pretty out of it the whole time with a lingering sinus infection, but was able to keep up with them pretty well. Also saw Black Sheep which was made all the more funny by all the stuff I've learned about sheep. Plus that part of New Zealand looks just like Bodega and the farmland parts of Sonoma County. :B

- Blah. There was more I was going to blog about but I'm feeling blah and not interested in sitting here. :\ Enjoy our tree instead! :D

Purrrrty colorssss...

I LOVE my new LED lights -just as bright (but not as "glowy" in pictures) but less than half the energy and heat! (Can you tell which ones are LED and which are traditional incandescent?)

Close-up of some neat old fiber-optic lights I got at the thrift store...

christmas, chickens, life

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