(no subject)

Feb 06, 2008 09:49

Sometimes being a total ditz works to my advantage.  I've been over-paying on my rent since December so now I'm like, a month ahead. Yesss.  I want to keep over paying so that I get a lot back when I leave.  I did treat myself to a new pair of jeans though.  They were a hundred bucks but they were on sale so it was a good deal.  ...I can justify anything.

I'm getting all antsy-pants to get my own apartment.  I'm going to stay where I am now for at least a few more months since it's a good place to save up money.  Plus I've gotten so used to always having people around that the thought of living by myself, although exciting, is slightly overshadowed by visions of myself sitting on the couch in total silence hoping that someone will call and rescue me from my loneliness.
I know it probably wouldn't be like that because I'm rarely ever home now and I don't see much of a reason for it to change just because I move out.  I might be home more just because I'll enjoy having my own place.  And I'm sure I'll have friends over a lot.

Two days until I get my hair done!  I'm excited/nervous.
I hope she doesn't have to cut too much off.

I got an invitation in the mail the other day for Mandi and her boyfriend's housewarming party.  It's roaring 20s/Great Gatsby themed and I've already found my flapper dress online, hurrah.  I called her to RSVP last night and we ended up talking for like, 25 minutes which was really nice.  I'm looking forward to meeting Justin and seeing their new house.  I've always envied Mand because she's always had her shit together.  But its never been a bitter envy, and I kind of use her as a role model for where I want to be.
I'm glad Joanna is going too because I don't think I'm going to know anybody there.

My right leg has been all fucked up today.  I don't know if I slept on it wrong or something.  But I don't see how I could have done that considering I don't sleep on my side.  When I step on it wrong I get these awful pulled-muscle pains on the side of my leg, just under my hip and next to my butt.  I don't know what it is but it really sucks.

I don't know if I like these Zantrax pills.  They're making me fidgety.
I only got them because they were on sale and they didn't have the hoodia ones I normally get.
Maybe I'll run tonight...

Hm, ok, I think I'm done
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