Dec 06, 2004 20:12
California matters to me. Thus, you'll be spared a long update; I'll keep this to anecdotes.
-the Central Valley is visible proof that the ideals of the Democratic party simply don't work.
-I bought into the California stereotype and packed summery clothes and open-toed high heels, which is inexcusable, since I've lived in California and ought to know better. It was freezing all weekend and snowing in Tahoe, where our hotel had a broken radiator. Interestingly, I didn't begin to enjoy the weather until I got back to Georgia. None of this really detracted from the weekend--wow, was Tahoe gorgeous (which I didn't remember it being, likely because last time I was on its shores, I was vomiting into it)--but I did look a teensy bit ridiculous sliding around on snow and ice in heels and t-shirts. Oopsie.
-I saw a gang fight. Refer to first observation.
-on my first night in Cali, my second cousin was casually outed.
-I find karaoke in retirement homes to be extraordinarily insulting to the residents.
-I didn't cry or vomit, but I did get a surprise which suggests that my body abhors travel in general. Thanks, body.
-Tina Turner was scheduled to be on our return flight, but she canceled. I don't blame her; it was a wicked early flight, and though I sympathize, I bear some animosity toward her for luxuriating as I was not allowed to do.
...and that's all I'm offering.
I got my exegesis back. I was given an A, which I feel guilty about, because I'm convinced that such a grade is far too kind. Likely reasons for inflated grade are: a)she graded the papers quickly, and mine appeared on the top of the stack just as her favorite sitcom (or reality show, you never can tell) began; or b)she felt so sorry for me due to the painfully apparent level of my stupidity that she offered a pity grade, believing I'd never be able to attain such a mark again; or c)she accidentally wrote someone else's grade on my paper, or d)God told her to give me said grade. It's fair to discount option d; though I'd like to believe I garner this much attention, I can't objectively delineate a defensible reason for God to be interested in my grades. However, I do think He has plenty of reason to lightening-bolt me right now for my blatant irreverence.
Greenville on Thursday to see Jake Armerding, unless Kelly backs out, in which case I'll be seeking out one of the rest of y'all for an alibi. ;)
I use the words "exigent," "blatant" and "abhor" far too frequently, and I talk about bodily fluids more than a 'lady' should. I apologize if you've noticed this also and it has grated on your nerves.