(no subject)

Sep 23, 2012 13:26

Well the Mom to MOm sale was a bust.. people were in line over 100 deep when I got there "early". The lines were like black friday.  People were making jokes that we were in line for the new iphone.

I did score a snap n go for 20 bucks though.  I used to be totally against the baby bucket/stroller/ etc and 100% to baby wearing but having a baby in the middle of the winter and having to take kids into school for sign in and preschool drop off... a snap n go is the way to go.

I have decided to try to start to collect milk for the baby.  I figure I am halfway there and this about when we started with Ophelia.  A baby will consume about 900 ounces a month.  If I am lucky I will make 1/4 of that (7 ounces a day).  He does have his own deep freeze all all :) and another at my mother in laws.

I am seriously wanting to get a facebook page.  Some of it has to do with the baby (more milk sharing info out there) and the rest is just connection.  It is hard though.. my past life and my current life are often very different.  If I ever went back into teaching -ugh.   The thing is - I miss some of my old peeps.. it isn't like I would not want to be friends with them it just makes for some eyebrow raising.  I have way too many stories of  "That one time.. in band camp.. when I .."

With not having facebook - I have no risk for the most part.  Having facebook - potentially opens a whole can of worms.
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