Ophelia Hope is a nut. She is my crazy crazy NT kid. We had a hard start this year and she ended up back in physical therapy. We noticed her gross motor issues/delays were preventing her from making friends on the playground. After a lot LOT LOT of bureaucratic red tape, we were able to find her health insurance that covers weekly physical therapy and will give her 36 visits of speech. It will also cover her MRI's etc. Somewhere in this journey.. her diagnosis of cerebral palsy was confirmed and I cried. The doctors assured me we can call her "clumbsy" or we can say she has CP. If she has CP, we can cover her treatment. So we went that route..
So a few things that are related to Ophie right now...
- I suspected that she was READING. She just turned 4 in May. She is reading near second grade level. WOO WOO. Go Ophelia. I thought so.
- Recently Ophelia ran into her preschool and got her teachers attention... and said "Hey Miss Teacher..look what I can do.." and she put her hands on her hips and starting singing full blast "I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH" by Willow Smith.. and did an entire dance.. I guess she was the hero of her class.
- Ophelia has been having a hard time sleeping and has been trying to sleep with Randy on a nightly basis. Now usually I don't care. She sleeps with him for 10 minutes and then goes on her own. The other day I said NO. Her reply "But Mom...it isn't fair.. you get Daddy all night!." followed with more "You always get Daddy.. IT IS NOT FAIR"
- Ophelia has asked to be Katie Perry for halloween..
- Ophelia is left handed. We are not sure if she is truly left handed (well she is now) or she became left handed because her right side is her weak side.
- Ophelia is in preschool hip hop class... SO cute.
More later...