Charles Dickens (week 7)

Apr 17, 2007 21:20

Week 7 already! Where did the time go? It seems only yesterday that we were walking into the new year ready to continue our journey in our chosen degrees. Gee the time has gone so fast and only a few more weeks til the end of the semester. The worst part was that that week off just flew past so fast that it feels as though we never had one at all!

In the tutorial this week we looked at Charles Dickens, although I am still reading it… thank goodness I had read the section that we looked at today! The way that Dickens writes is interesting, I was having problems reading the sections where he writes in accents just because I haven’t had to do that before now, but the way he describes the characters, the buildings, the goings on in the streets, just is a very different way of writing than I would usually read (I am a bit of a fantasy genre fan). I find the way he writes to be interesting, he has a lot of emotions in his writing, the amazing thing is; is that he also adds sarcasm, but its more subtle than most writers would make it in their writing.

Looking at the last paragraph, to me it seems as though he is challenging us to make something of our lives, live our lives and what life means to us!

An interesting read and when I actually finish reading I will let you know a bit more on what I think Charles Dickens writes.

Til next time…

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