- Travel
- Make blankets
- Cook
- Eat out at nice restaurants and eat several course meals
- Sleep
- Paint my nails
- Get my work laptop swapped out... I've had the new one for 3 months...
Yep... As a full time worker and a mother of 2... I just don't seem to have time for these things as much anymore. I cook, but only quick meals for the family. I eat out, but usually a fast lunch and not the fancy multi-course dinners I love so much... I really enjoy making blankets for my friends and family, especially baby blankets. But because of the distractions and limited time I have, sewing anything is more of a challenge than a joy... Painting my nails, awww... what a concept. When would I have a long enough block of time to paint my nails and let them dry before a child needed something? Travel - well, we do that... and more often than most, so maybe I shouldn't complain. But I wouldn't mind doing it more. And I really, REALLY need to get my laptop taken care of. I've put it off far too long. Sleep, yea... 'nuff said there.