(no subject)

Dec 25, 2004 02:12

just saw meet the fockers, good times. then ate laurens cheesecake by mistake oops. gonna go shopping 2mrw maybe just to kill time so im not stuck sitting aroung in pjs all day since its xmas eve and no one can really do anything and we have ppl coming overlater and maybe buying stuff will make the day feel productive. i think maybe i should try to get a job second semester but knowing myself, i doubt i will even try which is sad. id say ill change but ive tried to many times in the past 5 yrs or however long ive been a slacker. so i dunno if its a more decent thing to do to accept that u wont change or to keep trying unsuccessfully. either way, im kinda tired. haha.
so i kept my scholarship, it wasnt even really close or anything i guess i was freaking out for a second for no reason but its a relief and whatnot. so yea next semester looks like it will be significantly easier tho so thats good.
new years whatwhat the plans are not clear but its a possibility we will go to nyc but save $$ by not even getting a hotel and just staying out all nite and goig home in hte morning.... stupid, maybe. adventure, fo sheezy. and thats what its all about.
im bummed about the whole 2nd semester gonna be less crazy thing that all the older kids told us about but u know what theres nothing to worry about bc its still tulane and its still new orleans and we still have our bars and our frats even if the frats are gonna spoil us less this time around. we'll see cuz im gona need some fun when i get back there after being in braintree this long.
soo we went to the high school to see the youngens in the concert the other nite or maybe last nite and it was funny. i dont care what u say, we did not look that young as freshmen. and the senior boys when we were freshman were a hell of a lot older looking and hotter than the senior boys of today. u think its our imaginations but theres noooo way im imagining that much of a difference. what is in the water?! weird. i guess everyone feels that way but come on now, its just impossible. i feel old too. like at the mall when u see all the younger kids who are all excited to be at the mall and stuff. and other than getting younger looking, the kids are getting trashier looking, its gross. wiggas and hos, everywhere. i mean, our town may be the site of teh newest hooters but u arent in the ghetto, children! boys, take off that bubble jacket,and girls, why does ur eyeliner look like that?
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