Mar 29, 2008 14:45
had a most excellent chat with mom and dad yesterday, probably the best one ever.
basically they asked me if i was ok, and i said no, im not. so they asked if i needed help, and i said, yes i do, and so they said that they would pay for me to see a counsellor. its kinda scary thi think that i might actually get some help, but a relief at the same time. we talked about other stuff too, but that was the main gist of the conversation. it was really really nice.
then last night when i got home at about 6 i called ali and she said lisa was just about to text me to see if i wanted to go out with them!! it was excellent. before i called her i was thinking that that i wanted them to come over and watch a movie, but i told myself that if they were going to go out and do something that i should be social and do something too. so i set my mind to it and when they asked i said yes!
i ate a quick dinner (and got most of my 1200 calories for the day) and then headed to lynn valley to ali's aunts house that she was house sitting. we had a drink and then went to the cold beer and wine store to pick up some booze before gettin meghan r and kristen. headed out to dillon's place in the cove and hung out in his most awesome and excellent basement with pool table, fridge, table and wii. played a game of pool and altho kristen and i both suck, we only lost with two balls on the table!! got pizza around one, and headed home at 2.
oh yeah this (^) totally blew off my geography essay, which was due at midnight last night. BUT at one percent per day for late submission, it was totally worth it!!! so today i slept in, ali drove bertha in from dillon's, then we picked up her car, took my book back to indigo, ate, went for a coffee at delany's, talked to jaclyn, wrote and outline for my paper, and now im in the lovely library and im going to read and get things more organized for writing.
it snowed yesterday, which was both mind-boggling and cool but its nice today, and its getting lighter out at night! last night it was still kinda light when i left my house at 8!!!
yay maybe spring IS coming!!!