Feels like an ending but it's really a beginning, right?

Aug 01, 2006 02:12

Oh boy.

This morning I got my consultation for my wisdom teeth...and that's just gonna suck. Next Tuesday I will be getting them out, and no doubt will be quite the sight to see...please stop on by and keep me company! So that kinda blew, but then my sister Jen came home and cheered me considerably...which makes me sad cause she leaves THIS SATURDAY for school. And I NEVER get to see her off. When she was a freshman and a sophmore I had volleyball camp and her juinor year and now her senior year I had shows...sigh. I've only been down to Miami once and it saddens me b/c Jen is such a good close friend. Honestly, Jenny is the one person in my family that understands me...that might sounds angsty, but I don't mean it that way. Jen is just the one who sees past my shit, and just knows me. I always get sad when she leaves, but she's getting a car soon and Dayton and Miami are close so hopefully we'll be seeing more of eachother.

Back to my day...

Got some coffee w/Caitlin and Chrissy..always fun...then I napped and fell asleep in heat. Then off to Andrew's for cookout and swimming fun...and SHARK WEEK. I freaking love sharks...like LOVE them. They frighten me but I love it. After swimming we watched some shark week and right now I am STILL watching shark week. And quite frankly, I'm going to have to tape some of this stuff b/c I will miss some FANTASTIC episodes due to shows and work and such.

I think this summer I've kinda been pushing things away. Like pushing away social events and such b/c I'm scared to leave. And whenever I get together in large groups (mostly w/my high school friends) we talk about graduation. And college. And I'm VERY ready to leave my home...but not my safety net of friends. I leave in roughly 2 weeks...yipes! Another way I've been avoiding this reality is...I haven't bought ANYTHING. The only reason I have some stuff is my Grandma bought my all my bedding (minus comforter) and a bunch of random stuff and the "survival kit" that Kate League bought me (thank you Kate!). If they had not purchased that stuff...I would have nothing. So Saturday I'm gonna bite the bullet and go shopping w/my mom...shoudl be a grand day out.

Wow...this blog was random...
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