Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 24, 2005 13:47

Tonight we're having a Thanksgiving dinner at Sara's house. It should be fun. 14 American girls having Thanksgiving with a few British professors. And it's a potluck so we should have a ton of food and I'm really really excited about it. I don't remember getting this excited about it at home, so I don't know why I'm suddenly all giddy about it.
Saw Richard II with Kevin Spacey in it last night. I've heard such bad things about Hollywood actors onstage so I was expecting it to be horrible, but it was a great play. A lot funnier than I thought it would be and a lot of the actors were fabulous. I got his autograph afetr which I thought was cool.
There's snow in the forecast for the next few days which I'm excited about. I've heard some people say it probably won't but I really hope it does. London in the snow would be amazing. And there are some places that just set up ice skating rinks and I've always wanted to ice skate when it was snowing.
I'm going to Dorset on Saturday with the daughter of one of my grandparents friends. Never been there but I heard it was gorgeous. And the daughter and her boyfriend were really nice so I'm sure it will be fun.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
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