(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 12:17

Really no point to this post but I have homework that I don't want to do so whatever. The trip to Austria my school planned is in 13 days which is crazy exciting. Then a week after we come back from that me and a few of the other girls that I'm over here with are going to Italy for fall break. The flights are more expensive than I wanted but whatever. It's Italy. Who the hell cares?!
Finally got an adaptor for my phone and talked to my mom last night for the first time in a week or so. It was so funny, I called her a few days ago and my phone ran out of batteries 2 minutes into our conversation. But it's all fixed now.
Finally mailed some postcards yesterday that have been sitting on my desk for over a week. And I went to this little market yesterday and I found this woman who had chocolate and spent like £5. On chocolate. How sad am I?
I'm bored, someone entertain me.
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