Yesterday was a good day...

Jun 16, 2006 00:56

Carmine is finally divorced!

We woke up around 7:00 or so and he showered and shaved and then I dressed him... He looked so awesome today! He was wearing this gorgeous sateen red dress shirt, a solid black silk tie and black pants... He took his suit jacket but I don't think he actually kept it on long...

He called me every time anything happened, to run it past me before he agreed to anything...

I was so proud of him for doing that and for acting the way he did... I know he got fed up with her shit a few times but in the end it was all worth it!

He had requested 2 weeks every 2 months for visitation... But we knew most courts wouldn't do that right off the bat so I told him to request that so he could ensure himself that he would be given a week...

The judge gave him 8 days! He didn't expect to get much, he figured Rachel would claim again that it will traumatize the child to come to New Jersey and try to throw a wrench into the whole thing like last time...

Had she tried it, I don't think it would have worked this time... From what I heard, the judge was a little sick of her refusing to work with Carmine... Judges do NOT like to have to make a ruling, they prefer it if the parties work out something amongst themselves...

So, the divorce and visitation was in his favor!

You know what's sad is that this is basically the same agreement they had worked out 5 months ago, that she reneged on the next day...

So she spent money on airfare and took time off of work to come here to basically be ordered to do the same thing he had asked for months ago... lol

All that matters at this point is that he gets to bring the child to NJ and keep her for 8 days...

And now............. Drum roll please..............

We are about to set a wedding date!

Our wedding plans are in full force now!

We will be married ASAP.........

We can't wait...

When Carmine walked into the house this afternoon after court, he kissed me very hard and deep and said, "I can't wait to marry you"...


We then went into the bedroom and, AHEM... I will stop there...

We had no sooner gotten done having sex when Rachel called... LOL

As a matter of fact, he had JUST stepped into the shower... He was a sweaty mess from the weather today and plus, with the sex, he wanted a shower before we went out...

So I am standing there, getting ready to join him in the shower when she called, lol...

I told her he will be getting a list of questions together about the child and will contact her...

I told her he would call her back but he said he didn't want to because he was in too good a mood to deal with her shit...

At my insistence, he finally did try to call but she didn't answer...

No telling what she wanted.

Hopefully she won't start this calling over and over shit again...

We shall see!!!

So we will be working on getting this first visitation planned... It should hopefully be within the next few weeks...

Again, we shall see... Who knows if she will play games with this like always... Of course, the difference now is that she can be held in contempt if she refuses him visitation because it has now been ordered...

Anyway, back to the fun stuff... We have big plans for the weekend, we are going out on Saturday and celebrating! We have been planning this for the past 3 months and now that the divorce is final, we will definitely be going through with our plans... I think the weekend will be a good one...

And now I am going to get into the bed, put my arms around my soon to be husband, and go to sleep...

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