Feb 25, 2009 18:58
Lately I've been getting dreams with these internal conversations and symbolism to it, one particular dream where I shot myself deliberately four times really terrified me. It started where I took up a gun shot my arm with three bullets then deeply regretted it so I placed towards my chest ,fired it and yet I was still alive and saw the wounds with no blood spewing out. I was trying to get the bullets removed and could not ,no matter where I went no one could help me. There was on man who said my arm might be removed and performing surgery on it with little anesthesia so I should be prepared for great amount of pain, I woke several times in between the dream and it continued each time I fell right back to sleep, eventually the dream abruptly ended with no resolution. All I remember was the process of the situation and believing it was real. I think there were times where I might have checked my arm several times but I would not know for sure.