Mar 22, 2004 18:35
Yes I figured out how to modify pictures all thanks to hard work and a little push from Simone lol
Ya first day back at school always a bummer and that break went way too fast like always i got to play a little hockey play some bass guitar and videogames all in a good days work.
So yes i did not pick up a pen or pencil during the whole break which was alright considering i thought i had TONS of hw but turned out to have very little YAY!!!
So yes i finished the third Harry Potter book in like less than a day i went ona mad reading spree yesterday
I started the 4th one big papa as i like to call it and i'm frogressing along nicely about 1/5th done its getting exciting though harder and harder to put down.
Tonight the Oc is on yay and tomorrow smallville hopefully dont ask but yes Paris Hilton will make an appearence on the OC for some reason lol
Yes Description of school
Bio went well love the crazy drunk drugged up teacher he rocks all we did was asnwer 8 questions and sat and talked the rest of the time.
Anthro BORINGGGGG WOW we watched this slideshow of depressed schitzophenia people who were contacted by alians or so they thought long story lol
lunch went alright it is lunch isn't it (Sorry to hear about the cookies Simone lol)
Then photography we were suppoesed to develope out film today me and Zak but the other groups doddled and we didn't get to go
Math suprisingly went alright i answered a few questions got them all right i was so proud :) lol
And thats about all that happened up until now accept i rread a little before i came on here anywho off to hw and an early shower so i can watch all my shows uninterupted
Later Days