On a Sad Note...I'll Always Remember Joe: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Aug 30, 2010 16:42

I'd like to take a minute to remember a friend I lost recently. The world, and the world of books, lost one of the true good guys. Joe Drabyak was an inspiration and a wonderful person. I worked with him for many years, and he meant so much to so many people. Joe was a "bookseller extraordinaire" at the Chester County Book & Music Company in West Chester, PA and president of the New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association (NAIBA), but most important, he was friend and an incredible person, who's positivity and love of books was unmatched by any. Even if you don't know who he was, you should click the link and read about him, especially if you love books. He inspired me to be what I am. I doubt there would be a "Michelle's Minions" or so many "Michelle's Picks" on the shelves of my store if it wasn't for him (and his "Joe's Picks"). My own enthusiasm for books and connecting with other book people, authors, publishers, readers and bloggers was in part modeled after Joe's. If there were more people like him, the world would be a much better place. Now, without him and his infectious smile and passion for reading, the world is less bright, but I promise to continue to do what he (and I) loved most. That is share the love of a good book and make sure each one gets a voice. It's kind of like the philosophical riddle "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?", except it's more like, "if a book lands on a shelf, does it make a sound?" Thanks to Joe, I know that it makes a HUGE CRASH if there is someone to speak for it. I'll always be there Joe, I'll make you proud. I'll miss you, my friend.

I have so many great memories of Joe, and I'm grateful that I had the pleasure and privelage of having him in my life.

Click on his name to learn more about...

Joe Drabyak , the man, the myth, the legend.

Rest In Peace, Joe.

 <3 Shelly...

my mentor

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