if models could cause otherwise rational individuals to crumble in their presence, exactly how powerful is beauty?
so these passed three days have been fun =). hanging out with jessica and patricia. i got a hair cut on wednesday, june 9. (matt payed for it for me, being that it was my HALF BIRTHDAY and all) yes.. i am officially 17 and a half.. and two days. yes. then we went to joes and our food was attacked by seagulls.
yesterday was great. becca came over and we did pilates. then we found some lacrosse ( la-x ) sticks and ball in the garage and so we decided to give it a try. we had never seen anyone play it before so we didnt know exactly what to do.. but i think we did a good job. --i had way too much energy and i didnt know what to do with it. afterwards, i took patricia and jessica to putt-putt and played a game with them. i was the only one who didnt get a hole in one but thats okay because i still won anyway. oh yeah SAVANNA IS BACK!!!! after i dropped off the kiddos, me, her, ange, danielle, and cousin went to bowling and then for mexican food. then to putt-putt once again because sav wanted to meet whatshisface<3... then i ran into an old friend and recieved a few lovely dirty faces and a nice little remark. mehh.. i realized though that sometimes i dont know when to keep my mouth shut about things....
today i took jessica and patricia too build-a-bear. jessica made a monkey and named it george. i bought a cd that i just so happen to be listening to right now. and now im here. i can hear my mom and shes about to tell me to get off. mehh
if youre interested in reading about it.