Oct 02, 2006 14:25
Michele's birthday wishes (in order):
1. Attend The Lava Lounge coffee house show: Friday October 27th
2. Bring as many friends as you can to The Lava Lounge coffee house show: Friday October 27th
(unneeded but appreciated material items)
3.Music: Brian Littrell(If he has a cd);Aaron Shust; As Tall As Lions (new); Anything Nichole Nordeman; Muse (Whichever album has "Time is Running Out" on it)
4. Books: "How to Read the Bible for all it's Worth" - See and Douglas Stuart; "The Politics of Jesus" - John Howard Yoder; "The Time Traveler's Wife" -
Audrey Niffenegger; "Blue Like Jazz" - Donald Miller
So, that's it. You have a few weeks. Ready? GO!