Nov 21, 2007 07:51
Well, I'm displaying my tendency not to be consistent with LJ, for one thing... =)
Lessee.... what's been going on....
Jason has relocated back to Portland as his home base, so I no longer have to drive him to the airport on Monday mornings at 5 - yay for not getting up at 4am! Yay! He will still be travelling, but it will not be every Monday, so that's a very good thing. Also, I now have my Prius back, since it was in LA for his driving convenience, so when I DO have to drive him to the airport, I get to do it in the 44 mpg vehicle, hurray!
have not had a recurrence of the plague, hurray!
However, I DID just find out that I had shingles just prior to the plague, and Jason has them now. And here I thought I just had a rib (or three) out of alignment (hence the extreme pain) and that those red bumps were a healing reaction from the myofascial release therapy and acupuncture. Hunh. Shingles. Who knew? Nerve pain is so much the suck. On the other hand, I learned that I can still have a great time despite nerve pain and plague!
Apparently I was susceptible to shingles because I had chicken pox as a child, and being pregnant lowers your immunities to EVERYTHING. Seems like a poor way to evolve... Propagate the species, become much less able to defend against icky stuff. I don't get it...
We had our latest prenatal exam with the midwives, and baby's doing just fine. Apparently her head is a teensy bit larger than average (have you seen the size of Jason's skull? I am just not that surprised, and I know that drusni will think it's funny). Also, her femurs are at the top end of "normal" for length. I just can't be upset that so far it looks like my daughter's got a big brain-pan and long legs! I wish *I* had long legs..... I'll settle for making the legs I have do nifty tricks....
We finally got the whole-house generator installed and up and running, so when the power goes out, it will come back on 30 seconds later! Hurray! And it's close to the house in a convenient location, so it anything goes wrong with it, we don't have to risk being eaten by velociraptors. Nice.
I made my famous cranberry sauce with apricots and orange and other yummy fruity stuff - I'm taking the Prius around today to do deliveries. I took a bunch yesterday to all my rural neighbors here in the woods. I still haven't met several of them, but I left it on their porches, so it should be fine. It would only have taken about 1/2 an hour, but there are two families I've spent a little time with, and of course, we started chatting.... So I was gone almost two hours. It was good!
Oooh - long post. Well, that's just the way I am.... Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!