...each day...draggs on

Jun 27, 2005 21:25

Hey everyone...Havn't updated in a while. Sorry I havn't be so supportive, and am lacking on giving out comments to friends...or if I've been babbleing...I've just been so busy sulking and wallowing, my head is some where else right now...And it will stay there for...quite a while.
Today I had a wonderful surprise...and a bad one...
The good one is that I saw Seyla! It was only for like 5 min. but it was sooooooooooooooooooo wonderful to see her...you have no idea...
When she left I felt like crying. I'm so glad I have such a strong bond with her. She came in saying "Where's my girl!?" and I just lit up! I was all alone in her class room setting up snack and there she came! I gave her a huge hug! I wish she was working this week...I'll miss her.

Anyway...the bad surprise...had a little problem at the post office mailing Jeremy's letters...I have a feeling that they won't get there.....long story...I'm so mad...Of couse this had to happen...some sort of problem has to happen...*sigh*...
Only 33 days untill her returns...each feels like a year...
The tears have seized...for now...
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