oh god I hate him so...........

Nov 21, 2004 16:53

I found out today he doesn't think my new baby is his. I told him you really think I would cheat and get pregnant by someone else and let him go on think that this baby is his? No of course I wouldn't I'm not that kind of person. He is going to go be with this fat whore. I also found out while we were still together back in October he was hounding ( Read more... )

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missy..... michele22996 November 22 2004, 09:00:53 UTC
I know you love me and are there for me but what sucks the most is I don't have someone (meaning a man) to comfort me I haven't in over 2 months and it sucks. Especially after just having a baby because I know that you know postpartum is a bitch and to have all this dumped on me at this point in time in my life really sucks ass. I just can't believe he of all people would treat me this way after all the the things I've done for him, after giving him 2 beautiful girls. I just got home from DCF and child Support enforcement and he is fucked because he signed the birth certificate for both girls and when we did do this the lady said no matter what we are both responsible for them till they are 18 years old. Dcf wouldn't give me cash assistance because get this working at dunkin' donuts I make to much money to qualify lol but they are going to give me $499 in food stamps as soon as I send them a few things I forgot to bring with me. So that will help out alot. I need to find a guy who will just me my friend and cuddle with me and hold me and tell me everything will be ok and not want me just for sex(because I'm all set without needing sex) ya right lol . Maybe when I do find a person like that I will be able to get over all this hurt I have in side because it hurts so bad. I hate not being able to control my tears they just poor out. So if there is anyone out there reading this and knows a nice guy like how I described around the ages of 21-30 and don't mind that I have 3 children hook me up!!!!!!!!


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