i'm doomed to be a single parent... i guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 11, 2004 20:15

yes, i'm single once again. My babies daddy is a cock sucker. We had these mutual friends, we were in there wedding both of us. Well they moved to ohio and now there divorced and she wants my man. I signed on today checked my email and signed off. I was just sitting around and something told me to check his emails. So I did and I came accross an email from her and it went totally into detail how they were going to be with each other and what they were going to do with each other once they see each other.

How fucked is that? my new baby is only 18 days old. I'm so upset hurt and let down I don't know how to take this all in.

I'm a very strong and independent woman ,I will get over this soon.

What sucks is I have no cash,
I'm not supposed to work for anotherr 3 1/2 weeks but I'm going back to work in the morning!!!!

I could some good words of advice if anyone wants to comment!!!

<3 michele
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