Jul 31, 2007 22:32
So, i pretty much am sleeping in tomorrow, and going into work when i feel like it. It is Rachel's last day, so i am sure there will be many tears....
I am super pumped about Thursday/weekend. I will be in out of town for a small conference. So, this means that tomorrow i will be doing laundry all day/cleaning/tying up loose ends to projects and all that other stuff that i put off today.
But i think i was pretty productive today, so i cannot say i was lazy. Well, i could, but that would be lying.
Tonight will be one of those nights when i will just lie in bed and think about everything that is going down. Here's a list, maybe i can get it out of the way...
* Leaving Thursday to see who will be on the trip, and what amazing things God has in store
* Finding the Don Potter CD
* That crazy dream i had last night about being married, with kids and working in a tattoo parlor
* How i wish i had more buttons for my quilt, where i will find them
* Gotta buy shoes
* Whether or not it is wrong to watch movies that support/promote topics that are against my personal morals
* Got to develop my pictures
* Read that Frank Peretti book
* What will i pack my stuff in?
* I wish i had a massage
* wow this pillow is really soft
* I need to swipe down the inside of my *newer* car
* I need Dad to help me wax it, or whatever
* You're still reading? Oh, goodnight.