So, this is happening (TW: surgery discussed)

Oct 17, 2012 22:48

It all kinda got away on me, for which I apologise.

At the end of July I had a consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Chin, who showed me the MRIs that were taken of my knee and said that the damage was enough that I needed surgery. He would ask ACC to fund the surgery, since they were already paying for treatment on my behalf, and if they said no then I'd have the choice of paying out of pocket, however many thousand that would be, or going on the public waiting list for the surgery to be done at no cost. (Cost of consultation = $0.)

ACC funded the surgery.

So that's happening tomorrow morning. The cost of the surgery to me will be $0.

Other costs since my last entry on this subject:

Physio sessions: 5 x $5 ea = $25
Mailing crutches back to Christchurch: $13
Running total: $187

Again, I say this not to gloat or rub it into people's faces: I don't think I'm lucky to have this. I believe healthcare is a basic human right, and EVERYBODY should be as "lucky" as I am.

I'm a bit nervous about the whole surgery thing -- it's keyhole surgery under a general anaesthetic, and I've never been a big fan of cannulas/IV lines. Everybody involved seems to think it's a straightforward thing, though, so I'm hoping I'll get SOME sleep. (Har.)

Up at 6am, jooooy to the world.

'Night, all.

new zealand, health, socialist workers utopia

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