Oct 28, 2005 23:17
Just came back from LygonSt. The food on the menu was SO tempting: nachos, burgers, pizza, pasta, pumpkin soup, garlic bread ... you get the drift. However, I already had rice (AND cornflakes) for dinner. Anyway just had to type an entry to mention I deserve some PRAISE cause I have will-power, all I ordered was an iced chocolate :D (I KNOW that wasn't the healthiest thing to order!! Although I still weigh 1.25 times of one of my best friends, I recently discovered I lost a few kg *SHH, only waimun & darling know how many* over the past few months Yay!).
Yeah as I was saying, birthdays! This week is especially packed wei.
27th Bec turned 19
28th Mae turned 11
29th Fiona turnsturned 27
30th Rudy turnsturned 20
31st Halloween turns (I can't find an exact date, too many conflicting 'facts') & Olivia turns ...?
1st Shannon turns 19 & Lilian turns 21 (I think)
2nd Sarah turns 19
Now you have no excuse to forget ya?
p/s: thought it would only be fair to mention I DID have abit of Baileys Cheesecake ... like 4 fork-fulls only okay.. SO DOESN'T COUNT. kthxbye