Jun 10, 2006 14:38
Michael has finally reswore his fealty. I swore he would, and he finally has.
Darren Valens, Michael's sire and once more his liege.
In exchange for assisting Micheal establish a Haven, a school and no more nomadic duties, Michael has sworn to an additional year and a day of service and protection.
Michael has great plans for his academy. Likely starting as a school to those of the Honorable Order of the Thorned Wreath. But may change to accept all those in the invictus, and even those willing to join the Unconquered.
Culture, (will teach Expression, persuasion, Socialize, Crafts)
A series of classes intended to teach the court life, the benefits of courtesy, debate, and intelligent conversation. Courtesy is the saving grace of our society. Without it, we are but animals walking in circles locked in a bloodshot gaze. It will also teach classes intended to create artworks that will benefit our great society.
Martial (Will teach Athletics, firearms, weaponry and brawling, as well as survival tactics and strategy)
This class will teach the means of survival. You do not need Cruac, theban magics, or the petty 'evolutions' of The Order of the Devils. Their magic is necessary for them to survive BECAUSE we are superior without their tricks. The Invictus at their core are a military organization. Masters of strategy and the finer points of protocol and combat prowess. This will teach those who want those cooky combat wombat tricks how to use and abuse them.
Occult (will teach Academics, Occult, and various disciplines as well as the philosphies behind them)
The world is dark, scary, and mysterious. But most of it is not beyond study. This class regimin will center around the mystical, historical, and the education of disciplines. It will also help calcify and study Belials Brood and the mysterious VII.
Philosophy (will help people reaquire their humanity and come to grips with the undead condition and the necessities of the status quo)
This regimin will be to help those who have fallen far from their humanity, crawl and climb back up the ladder till they more resemble what they once were. It will help them accept their condition without turning into a monster. It is ok to feel guilt for killing a human. Doing so does not make one weak. The real strength is doing it again because ultimately, it must be done. Because if you do not. They may kill you, and those close to you.
Needed items to start and complete this project.
A site. A building will be constructed, likely in marin, someplace secluded, and out of the way, yet close enough to a mortal populace for the sake of feeding.
Teachers- preferably 2 or 3 per course. I would love for people to get IC mentors through this program, as well as find Avus' for their dream bloodlines or even new lieges.
Students- arguably the hardest, because players are lazy and don't like to proxy. I think this would be FUN to run on IRC. it could lead to some great roleplay. Additionally, the school could act as a safe haven for invictus on the run or in need of a place to stay.
Any ideas people?