Alright, let's do a 2nd draft.

May 17, 2006 09:34

Type your cutDevotion Ideas.

Savage Flying Wedge (Nightmare 3, Resilience 2 Majesty 1)
Draw-  N/A
Cost- 1 WP +2 blood
Duration- Scene
Effect- Combat is a terrifying experience for those unaccustomed.  Even the most stalwart veteran can feel the trademark fluttering stomach and cold chills at the thought of a long life being wasted. Fear is a driving force for many in combat. The Savages feed upon fear. Thrive on it. And with this power. That almost becomes literally true.
Those who face the terrifying flying savage wedge feel that fear reach into their very soul and rouse the Beast. 
For the cost of one willpower the savage activates this devotion and for the remainder of the scene any kindred that tries to attack the user with weaponry or brawling attack is consumed with an intense fear and must immediately test for Rottschrek. This power can affect each kindred that attacks the user once per scene. Additionally, the target recieves a -1 to his test per kindred with this power active within 10 feet of each other. Activating this power takes 10 minutes of concentration with at least 2 othe kindred that possess this power. At the end of the conflict, for each kindred that succumbed to Rottschreck by this power, the activator of this power recieves 1 willpower this may not exceed his permanent willpower, any additional willpower gained is lost.
XP cost- 18

Aura of Terror - Nightmare 3, Majesty 5
Draw- Presence+Intimidation+Majesty -1 per mortal present.
Cost- 1 WP
Duration- 1 scene
Effect- A paralyzing fear grips all mortals in a vast area. All who look upon the user of this power, or even in their direction, they feel their attention drawn  to the kindred using the power. A mortal is overwhelmed by the terror evoked by such a supernatural horror. The target fills all mortal observer's minds with a midnwrenching nightmare image. At the end of the scene, mortals present simply do not WISH to remember whatever they saw at the scene. This power is invaluable for crowd control as most mortals simply do not wish to remember the scene afterwards. Most extras will repress the nightmarish image for years to come.  Mortal NPC's must make a Resolve test to remember any specifics of the incident and suffer nightmares the next time they rest.
XP cost- 24

Gruesome Lessons (Nightmare 4, Dominate 4, Vigor 2) 
Draw - Presence+Intimidation+Nightmare, Minus the target's Resolve+Blood Potency (This is an extended Action)
Cost- (1 WP + 1 Blood) per night.
Duration- Requires at least 1 hours of work per use of the power.
Effect- This is the power that makes the word 'Reeducation' such a terrifying concept within the Invictus. Using this power requires at least 1 hour of uninterrupted torture and torment over a target. At the end of such a torment session they make their test.  They may only make one test per night, but may extend the torture over up to 5 additional hours of 'instruction'. The kindred tortures the target. Everything from a simple beating, branding or vivisection to watching friends or family being mutilated. The kindred torments his victim, and at the end of the torture session, makes the draw. The Kindred attempts to aquire as many successes as the target has Permanent Willpower,  over as many nights as they have uninterrupted access to the target.

Once these successes are successful, the instructor may select a number of effects equal to his Presence to Imbue into his target.
* a new Virtue or Vice.
* a new derangement
* Enhancing an existing derangement
* Removing a memory of an entire segment of the target's history. 
* May ask a single question and will recieve a totally true and honest answer within the targets knowledge and ability. 
* Implant a subliminal command or message into a target that will be triggered at a later date. This implant is nearly undetectable by Auspex and Dominate and those searching must aquire sucesses equal to the kindred's Manipulation to locate them.
*Permanently Reduce the target's willpower.

Naturally, this power should be monitored by a storyteller and appropriate Humanity tests for the torture
Naturally, the target will recieve a minimum of 1 bashing, lethal or aggravated wounds per hour tortured. as appropriate to the torture method used.
If the draw for this power should be a 1, the target recieves all willpower for finding a hidden well of strength, and the process starts all over again.
If the victim falls into torpor, the torturer must wait for them to wake before they must start all over again.

Power is performed place designed for toture-    +3
Appropriately gruesome looking tools. (mace, jagged knives, elaborate brands)  +1
The target and the user share a blood tie      +2
Power is performed in an intimidating space appropriate for torture.(A basement, a bloody hospital room, a slaughterhouse, etc.)    +1-3

The target has the "Iron Stamina" merit. -3
The target has resilience Active   -1 per level of resilience
The target's virtue is "Fortitude"   -3
Target is of a different Covenant to the user. -3

XP cost- 33

Incubus Whispers- Dominate 3, Majesty 3, Obfuscate 1
Draw- Intelligence+Expression+Dominate versus Resolve+ Blood Potency
Cost- 1 blood
Effect- A kindred makes a seemingly normal Mesmerism test. Only with a critical difference. The mesmerism incident is instantly forgotten. And whatever the mesmerism was, suddenly appears in the targets mind as an excellent idea. And more than that. it feels like THEIR great idea. The same rules for mesmerism apply. Eye contact is required. The command must be spoken in a language known by the target.  No suicidal commands. But commands such as 'point a gun at the prince' could have interesting results. If the draw fails the would be target notices the command and may react accordingly.
exp Cost- 21

Memories of Agony (Nightmare 2,  Auspex 4, Vigor 1)
Draw- Intelligence+Intimidation+Nightmare minus target's resolve+Blood Potency
Cost- 1 WP + 1 blood.
Duration- Instant
Effect- Kindred live in a volatile world, and they all recieve trauma at one point or another. It is mostly impossible to enter the kindred world totally unscathed from injury or trauma. These wounds carry memories, good and bad and bring forth powerful emotions when remembered. This devotion centers around the idea of tapping that well of emotion and using them as a potent weapon. The target gazes at a target and makes the draw. For every sucess gained on this attack, the target suffers from a bashing wound, to a maximum of 3,  as memories of past injuries and events not his own fill is mind and his subconcious reels to make the pain and injury seem very real. The targets eyes and nose begins to bleed and strange bruises appear. In the target's mind they remember horrible sights and experiences as well as horrendous injury. Only targets with both a concious, sentient mind, and a living physiology can be affected by this power. Kindred remain immune to the actual damage. But will spend the turn distracted by the memories of trauma and pain and are -2 for that turn.  For every 3 health levels this power is used to inflict on another a single bashing is inflicted on it's user as his own body becomes taxed from the power's use. 
exp cost- 21

Several changes are evident and marked with red, Duh. All xp costs have been altered to "disciplines required x3 +1-3 depending on usefulness", This has resulted in increased cost. But small price to pay for power.

The flying Savage Wedge is named for the manuever that the savages are recognized for. I thought t appropriate. IF someone has a more appropriate name suggestion, I'd be happy to hear it. I made it so a group of people with the power is needed to gain the benefits. And I think it's appropriate and very befitting the family concept.

Aura of Terror is basically the Delirium from 3rd ed. Werewolf. I've been kicking that idea around for some time now. Any suggestions on it?

Gruesome Lessons is one that I am particularly proud of. I would love to see it used, even if I'm it's first victim. It is NOT inteded to be used on kindred outside the Invictus and can't be used to alter covenant loyalty. I stand by it, as it lay under the assumption that the PC is awake for night after night. He can only be restrained and can attempt escape when NOT being tortured. A smart PC will deliberately not heal or will fall into torpor willingly. Being Staked is impossible as it restarts the power's clock. And if he was captured, then others should probably be working to release him, or he can be RPing with his tormentor to give him what he wants. It's a power that requires a fuckton of successes, it has a huge xp cost,  a wide variety of disciplines at high levels, and there are multiple ways to stop, sabotage, and interfere with success of the power. It is actually not half as powerful as it looks. It just has a hefty price if the target is not rescued. And ST discretion is needed because TORTURING someone for nights on end is a huge humanity test. So the very use of the power puts the user's humanity at risk, per night it is used. It's more of a flavor power than anything.

I added Obfuscate to the Incubus whispers at a suggestion. I stand by the Majesty 3 and Dominate 3 because Entrancement deals with imbuing positive emotions and feelings. Forgetful Mind deals with memory alteration and Obfuscate deals with trickery and deceit.  The purpose isn't to just make someone rationalize the idea as their's. The purpose is to make the mesmerism sound like a DAMNED GOOD idea.

I got rid of Psychic shield because carthains complained about stealing their cheese. They have their own devotions, they have an invicibility combo in the making,  and they have blood sorcery as a covenant that deals with mortal society.  Invictus have retainers and heavily nerfed oaths. Yes. We are stealing  a lot of cheese. **rolls eyes**

I capped the damage for Psi assault and changed the name, increased it's cost, and made vampires immune to the damage. It is powerful, but not overly so, and it costs will AND blood now so it can only be done so many times. I also changed it into a Nightmare and Auspex effect. The idea is that it is an effect that inserts pain, and agony directly into the subject's mind and forces his body to realize the experience. I wanted dominate in there because I liked the idea of inserting one's own memories or trauma into an opponent. Abused as a kid? Insert those memories of helplessness and pain into a foe, see how HE likes it.

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