Mar 17, 2009 08:23 has been a while. I've just been so damn busy, that posting on my LJ isn't a priority at the moment. I do occasionally put something on my Facebook, but even that is sporatic.
So, what have I been up to?
Work, mostly. We are extremely busy. Plus, i've got 2 court cases to work on (i.e. collect paperwork, etc.) I spent half of Thursday in downtown Seattle for a deposition. I've got to say, our lawyers are hoyty toyty. You should have seen the few we had from the 22nd floor. And it was so incredibly gorgeous that day. I had a view of the Puget Sound, Olympic mountains, Space needle, Lake union, Cascade Mountains. So, even though I was being grilled by lawyers I was rather enjoying myself. LOL. Hey, ya gotta find the positive in things. Things are really hectic and I am swamped but overall things are good.
Managed to get out and enjoy the nice weather we had last week with a couple of runs on the trail near work.
Saturday we celebrated my stepdaughter's 17th birthday. We had family over and I made dinner for everyone. It was great fun! We also went to Fleet Feet in Bonney Lake to get my stepdaughter running shoes and spikes for track.
So, Sunday I managed to talk her into going on a VERY brief run on the trail in South Prairie. Somehow we got a break in the weather so we were only rained on slightly. When we got home though, all hell broke lose (oh, P.S. we woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground). The power went out, it hailed, and then snowed and then poured rain and hailed sideways some more then thundered. Eeeegads! Crazy weather day. But we survived.
Well, I need to wrap this up and get working.
More about my niece and now a nephew that is on the way later :).
Tah tah.