Nov 21, 2009 20:55

It's been a while, but I didn't even notice the days go by because I was SO busy. Not to mention, my biological clock was thrown off because of the multiple allnighters that I had pulled. But I have valid reason to destroy myself like that - I went through hell. Seriously, tell me how this is NOT hell:

Hell Week
  • Saturday 14th - Perception & Cognition Midterm #2
  • Monday 16th - Analytical Chem Formal Lab Report Draft Due
  • Tuesday 17th - Inorganic Chem Assignment Due
  • Wednesday 18th - Human Brain & Behaviour Midterm #2
  • Thursday 19th - Analytical Chem Lab
  • Friday 20th - Perception & Cognition In-Class Quiz; Inorganic Chem In-Class Test

    UH YEAH. God knows how I did it. I managed to study hardcore for my Perception midterm and I think I managed to ace it (I REALLY needed to), but I exhausted myself out really fast because of it. That night, I pulled a formal lab report draft out of my ass from scratch, and let's just say it took 14 hours (no sleep that night for SURE). Then Monday night, my brain felt so fried that I figured I should take a nap before I start my assignment, WHICH WAS CLEARLY A HORRIBLE IDEA because I ended up waking up at 4 AM thinking, "SHIT, MY ASSIGNMENT! FML!!" So there was that that.

    After THAT was done, I had to finish watching my Human Brain & Behaviour lectures and then cram as much into my head as possible. No sleep that night either I think? After that was done, I was feeling less stressed FOR SURE. However, I still had a lab analysis report to fill out and prelab preps to do, which took me ages because my brain was going SO slow thanks to my lack of energy. After the lab, things started getting better. I only had one more thing to study for! I had decided not to go to my Perception & Cognition class in the midst of my studying since I don't really need to go to do the quiz and I fall asleep in that class anyway. It's a huge waste of my precious 3 hours that could go to studying for my INORGANIC CHEM TEST!!! I ended up freaking out so much for that test because I knew NOTHING!!! I failed (actually failed) my midterm and I need this test to save me a bit. Because of THAT constant reminder in my head, I started stressing really badly and I was ready to cry...and hyperventilate...and faint (from lack of everything and too much coffee). Thank GOD for the cheat sheet because I think I ended up doing okay. I HOPE I DID ANYWAY!! I was shaking while I was writing the entire test, and I seriously felt like I was going to have a heart attack throughout the whole thing (I could feel my heart pumping at a crazy speed...like UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE but faster like UNCEUNCEUNCEUNCE)!!! LMFAO!!! 8|

    HAPPY DAYS AFTERWARDS! I could seriously FEEL my smile shining back onto my face from the reflection of everyone else's face or something. HOLY CRAP THE RELIEF!!! I was finally done ALL 9 OF MY MIDTERMS!!!!!! Although it's sad that I need to get going on the finals now, I just feel relieved to have a momentary break. Clearly I should take one now because the so-called "study break" that UTSC is giving us is a load of bullshit that won't help anyone in the school. They gave us Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as the study break - HOW DO YOU GIVE SOMEONE A BREAK THEY ALREADY HAD TO BEGIN WITH?! WTFFFFFF!!!!!! And finals start the Monday after, and goes on for TWO WEEKS ONLY meaning everything is JAMPACKED in there. I could go on a rant for forever about this but I'll spare you my thoughts.

    Anyway, I'm in heaven now for many reasons. I can relax. I can sleep. I can go earn myself some money at work. I can maybe go to the gym (WOW finally). I can...y'know. ;) HAHAHAHA jokes. Okay I'm going to clean my room (again) to celebrate. =P

    P.S. I've recently discovered that some of my mom's super old clothes (so old that it's going back into style now) are pretty nice. I intend to ask for it, hehe! Besides, my mom doesn't wear 95% of her clothes. [Rolls eyes] What a waste!
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