Nov 01, 2009 00:44

On Wednesday I had an optometrist appointment (my last one that will be paid by OHIP) and everything was fine...EXCEPT for this thing where my right eye might be slow in response even though my left eye is the worst eye in terms of degrees. SO now I have to go see an ophthalmologist in a couple weeks to make sure nothing is deteriorating in my right eye. LOL! Damnit. I should've just say yes when she asked if the lines were straight but NOOOO I had to go like, "Umm....kinda?" Damn you Perception and Cognition! That class is messing with my eyes. I don't know what's considered normal anymore because I'm so used to seeing illusions and answering differently!

So it was my birthday on Thursday and honestly, I didn't do anything special this year. Somehow though, this isn't a bad thing. It doesn't lead to high hopes then disappointments. It's just average, which is already a lot better than most of my birthdays! So yeah, I went out with my family to Lemongrass for dinner. It was my parents' first time there (because they usually like the crowded, smelly, and cheap Chinese restaurants) and I think they liked it! My dad consumed that curry lamb SO FAST...I'm sure he has to have liked it!!! Hmmm! Ate cake at home afterwards and that was about it. Oddly enough, I felt kinda sick and nauseous afterwards. I don't think it was the food though - it was probably more because of my lack of sleep. I had pulled an allnighter the night before then I was almost pulling another one right after that because I had an assignment to do for Inorganic Chemistry and a quiz to study for (Perception and Cognition). In the middle of studying for that, I fell asleep.

The next day was tiring but I met some new people (through Randy LOL) who were in my Perception & Cognition class. YAY I know someone now! They're really friendly and it turns out one of them knows Carlos. WHY DOES EVERYONE KNOW CARLOS! Jeez, that guy is everywhere! Anyway, it was a relief when I handed in my Inorganic Chem assignment because it meant WEEKEND!! Oh yeah, there's this guy in my class and he's in my lab. And I didn't realize he was Korean until he spoke it. It was so unexpected ALTHOUGH I should've known better because he got the whole Korean glasses thing going on, and now that I look at him I can see how he looks Korean. Anyway, all I wanted to say was how it threw me off so badly LOL! Canadian born Korean? Maybe.

After class yesterday, I went home and took a long ass nap. Woke up and ate dinner then got a ride to STC where I met up with Crystal, Jackie, and Himo at Moxies. THANKS FOR THE ICED TEA HIMO LOL!!! Anyway, we thought the movie would be at 8 PM ish but it turned out to be at 10:25 PM so then we lingered around the mall and in the theatre for quite a while. There were these prebuscent little kids playing on the DDR machines in the arcade and you can tell they were excited to show off their "skills" but in some way, I find it sad that they know how to play so well at that age. Is it really something to be proud of?! Because you can tell they spend their days practicing that shit just so they can show off. Or something of the like. The girl that was playing...I swear her legs were thinner than my arms!!! I'm surprised they didn't snap or something when she was moving her feet around at breakneck speeds on DDR. Anyway, we stopped watching them when the B.O. started diffusing out. We sat around waiting for Jimmy and Stanley to arrive, then we all went into the theatre to watch Couples Retreat.

There were some parts of the movie that were slow but SOME PARTS WERE HILARIOUS!! I don't know if it was really worth the regular movie ticket price though. See, there are different levels of worthiness. Observe:
  • The movie theatre level - so good it's worth paying around $10 to watch in theatres.
  • The Tuesday movie theatre level - good enough for a cheap ticket in theatres but not good enough for regular price!
  • The bootleg DVD level - good enough for me to pay for it, but only for a small small price and possible shit quality!
  • The streaming level - not good enough for theatres but out of curiosity, I'll watch it online.
  • The shit level - not worth any time or money!!
    So I'd say this one was somewhere in between Tuesday movie level and bootleg DVD level. =P Gotta admit though, that nothing beats being able to laugh my ass off with friends beside me. So it's alright. Good times. =)

    Today I had work in the morning, and my manager came in quite moody. She was kinda questioning why I had so many exams, because I had to book off a lot of work this time around. After all, I have 9 midterms and they all fall on either Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday. I work Mondays and Saturdays so there's definitely a lot of conflict. I know she can get moody and I'm not going to take it personally but I find it slightly offensive that she might be thinking I'm taking days off for no reason at all. She should know I wouldn't do that by now. After all I've worked there for almost 2 years now!!

    Anyway, I get I nap whenever I get to lately, so I napped after work. Crystal came over later on in the night and we went to Kenny's to join everyone else for some dinner. Afterwards, people came back to my place and we played some DDR on Wii. Then some people started playing poker with Monopoly money as chips. And then Jill was playing Super Mario 64 LOL! I played two games of poker. Almost won the first game but I got too risky and Crystal WAS VOUCHING FOR DEVAN SECRETLY I SWEAR (horrible dealer TSK) so I lost in the end. In the last game though, I won all my money back LOL! So no winning or losing on my part. Poor Merrie however, lost so much to Devan. Oh wait, it's Randy's money.....poor Randy LOL!!!!

    So yeah, it was a fun while it lasted but I need to get back to partying with the books. Midterm on Monday and I am SCARED. I did really bad on the first midterm and I HAVE TO DO WELL ON THIS ONE!! AHHHH!!
  • family, birthdays, friends

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