Ripley... :)

Aug 13, 2008 20:29

My gosh, where has the time gone?

I have been busy writing and, actually, playing with GIMP! Roxy, I hope you forgive me, but, courtesy of a slightly different hair-color and some contact lenses, Ripley's sort of gotten an alter-ego of her own, mostly so she can slip out from under her father's shadow. She's joined a modeling agency, and has had the following assignments

Pictures all here:
One of the photos, taken by Aunt Chloe, from her original portfolio:
1. Miranda (AKA Ripley) and Kitty

She had to stand in front of a strange mural of a city burning and had to convey a contrast between her pose and the fluidity of the smoke and flames behind her. The third shot was judged better.

2. Just Pissed.

3. Why?

4. Calendar Girl!

5. Boys' Underwear

6. Fashion VS Style

7. Don't leave me!

8. Murder

9. Cover of Rolling Stone!

10. Come join me?

sims, ripley

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