Sometimes, it's good.

Jun 03, 2008 18:05

As some of you may have guessed, the last year, and particularly the last 4 months, have been very very stressful and painful for me. I have been just retreating and retreating, trying to find a place that feels safe and comfortable, and of course there is no such thing--save one place.


Thank you all for letting me have time and space and long distance hugs.

I have one last thing to share with you, and it's below the cut. It's a letter my mom sent to me just moments ago. She went in the hospital (again,yes) for cancer just about 10 days ago. Anyway. I read this, and felt better, felt a little hope and maybe some light will find me, and I can come out of my dark corner, y'know?

Dear Family and Friends,
It has been a very emotioal 10 days for Tom and me, for our daughters Michele, And Laura, for our Precious son Tomme, for my bothers and little sister=inlaw...,andfor my little cousin Marylou, Harry, and Tommy. and gosh...just everyone. I wantto than each and everyone one of you for your words of encouragement, and prayers.
The Doctor did get ALL THE CANCER! I AM CANCER FREE! My body is changed
forever, but I willget used to itl and....I just might even surprise you all andget a little bit chubby!:o)
This is going to be a time of growth and of change and of adapting to the new appliance that I have. I could not do this with out Tom's
support...BLESS HIM GUYS cuz he has been there everyday at the hospital with meand for me. I love you all and when I am up to writing individual emails andbeing little old me again, I will. till then, GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE ONE OFYOU!
Kathy, "the little old survivor :o)!
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