Star Wars is a chick flick

Jun 18, 2005 17:23

I can't help but think that Star Wars is a romance movie in disguise. Don't be fooled by the opening fight scenes, the film really starts when Padme Amidala said to Anakin: "Something wonderful has happened. I am pregnant." To which Anakin reacted by scrunching his face then belatedly muttering: "'s w-w-w-wonderful."

Of course we all know why Anakin turned evol right? Spell evol backwards and you get the answer. He's motivated by his need to make sure Padme doesn't die from childbirth. So when it was a choice between killing uber-cool Samuel Jackson and the dried up prune aka the evil chancellor, he chose the dried up prune, on the promise of knowing the secret to everlasting life.

And so Anakin became...*kshh-kssshh-ksssh* Darth Vader.

Of course he was ripe for evolhood. As The Chosen One, how can he be happy with being one of many in the Jedi Council? And perhaps saving Padme from certain death was his grandeous excuse to the real reasons he turned to the Dark Side.

I take that back. Deep inside, we all want the unconditional, unquestionable and unwavering love that Padme showed towards Anakin. And as Anakin grew without his mother's love (oh no, the mother issues!), ensuring he doesn't lose its closest equivalent (i.e. Padme's love) was enough cause for him to switch sides.

A Star Wars post is not a Star Wars post without a Master Yoda quote. The green man sayeth: "Anakin, be wary of attachment leading to jealousy. It leads to darkness. You need to let go of your fear of loss.” Well, Anakin didn’t and look what happened.

Here are three reasons why I think Star Wars is a chick flick:

Reason No. 1: No gratuitous scenes of naked women with huge breasts.
Reason No. 2: Lots of scenes involving long sabres.
Reason No. 3: Ewan McGregor wears a short, shower robe. :P
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