Hitch, esoterikrootz and ducks

Apr 10, 2005 22:51

I watched ‘Hitch’ starring Will Smith with three other friends last night. I thought it was hilarious. There were a lot of funny moments such as the ‘dance moves’ scene, the ‘Hitch in college’ scene and the ‘allergy’ scene. Yes, it’s the kind of movie you go to when you don’t want to think, just laugh.

I thought the best line in the movie was when one of Hitch’s client defined love as the state of being miserable. ”I’ve waited all my life to feel this miserable.”, he said. That made me laugh because it’s so true. You know you really, really, really love somebody if their presence or absence affects you so much or that you can’t go through your normal day-to-day chores or work because you spend so much time daydreaming or thinking about that person. Ahhh, to be that miserable.

Special note to esoterikrootz. I read your entry today and just wanted you to know that I will pray for your health. :-) Be strong. I wrote you a fairy tale below:

Once upon a time, there lived three ducks somewhere in Hunter Valley,

They lived a peaceful life until a strange Asian woman came along and said: "Bar-b-Q Duck anyone?"

Said ducks narrowly escaped from the clutches of said woman (who is my mom! :D) and have re-located to a secret location where they lived happily ever after. :)

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