He’s Just Not That Into You

Dec 30, 2004 21:17

To any girl reading this who is still single and looking, here are six words that will save you from a lot of heartache and therapy in the future. He’s just not that into you.

Any time you make up excuses why he hasn’t called, why he hasn’t said those three words, why he only calls you on the weekends, how he needs to climb Mt. Everest first and travel the world before he commits and - this is the clincher…how he’s dropped his phone and lost your number, repeat after me: he’s just not that into you.

I just finished watching Oprah where she interviewed this guy who wrote a book titled, you guessed it, ‘He’s Just Not That Into You.’ I need to come up with a book idea like that because I want to buy it a) for amusement and b) to get an insight on what a few women knew all along but, sadly, most women don’t.

I’ve had girly conversations with my friend C* where we deconstruct and analyse the behaviour of the man she is dating or stopped dating. We come up with all sorts of justification like ‘He’s probably taking it slow.’ or ‘He needs his space.’ Or ‘He did lose your number so why don’t you call him’. Ack! Repeat after me: He’s just not that into you.

I’m a little bit late to the party but it was only in my mid-20s when I found out that men would come up with any excuse so as not to say that they are not interested. Ironically, they do this because they don’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you the truth. Hence, he lost your number.

I must admit that I too am guilty of not having the courage to tell someone to their face that I am just not into them. I thought I’d share the lines I’ve used as quid pro quo for the author’s help in educating the less enlightened members of my sex.

I am just not that into you if I say:

1. “I’m still not over my previous long-term relationship.”

2. “Between work and my studies, I don’t have time for a boyfriend.”

3. “I like someone else.” (This is true on occasion :P)

4. What I call the 'Dressing Down' tactic where I don't dress nice, I wear bad make-up and I talk nonsense/dumb down (gah). That way, I don't have to tell the guy I don't want to date him but instead, he finds himself not so interested in me. I know, I am not proud of this tactic. I swear I'll be better next year. :(

Oprah’s show featured this guy who categorized cell phone numbers as ‘Tier 1 - the dream team’ ladies, ‘Tier 2 - call them mid-week’ ladies, ‘Tier 3 - call them on Friday’ ladies and ‘Tier 4 - call them after drinks AKA Booty Call’ ladies.

For shame! I barely have energy for one guy let alone a Buffet. Yes, not all guys are the same. In the meantime, if the man you’re dating isn’t giving you what you feel you deserve then repeat after me: He’s just not that into you. :P
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