iro-iro na post

Dec 29, 2007 18:44

Actually, there are SOO many things that I haven't post lately in this LJ. Dunno why, I feel lazy, very very lazy. Not to mention my activities that I got since the beginning of this fuyu yasumi.

To sum up, this is what I did on this week...

monday (12/24)
Went to Hiroshima City to discuss about indonesian people bonenkai.
Went baito (until 2 AM as usual...). Went sleep at 6 (after morning pray)...

tuesday (12/25)
woke up at 12
Have lunch together in dorm with Eun Kyung, Lizy, Kan-san, and Soo Jin
Met Nuria senpai to teach her music notation ^^
Went to SuuPaa, buy some snacks
Went nomikai with Eun Kyung, Lizzy, Kan-san, Kimie, Luke-san.

wednesday (12/26)
Woke up..unknown...
Souji shimasu
Went to atm to took some money
Went to 7 eleven to pay my bills
Went to fiore for Winter Live
Nomikai at Fiore
Take Hana-san to her apaato
came back to dorm at 2. Slept at 3 AM

Thursday (12/27)
Woke up at 6.30
Baito until 3
Went to Hiroshima City for Indonesian people Bonenkai
Came back from Hiroshima city at 11
Met Kan-san in Saijo Eki, ngenkol until dorm

Friday (12/28)
BAITO! from 8.30 until 5.30 PM
Went to Youme to buy milk and bread and angko
Came back to dorm

Saturday (12/29)
I forgot that the meeting for What is Peace class is today, not yesterday, I am SOOOOO SORRY m(_ _)m
Lizy and Eun Kyung went to Kobe, Kan-san to Osaka, and almost HALF of Dorm's 1st floor people are went back to their shusshin.
Ruby showed her pictures in Kyoto, OSaka, NAra, USJ. I really want to go there (3 days again and counting...)


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