That song.

Nov 24, 2016 01:32

Do you have that song that somehow....seep into your mind and soul, that you keep on playing inside your head even though you are not listening to that song physically?

It happened to me this week.

A friend introduced me to Crowd Lu, a Taiwanese singer 8 years ago. I don't understand the lyric, but I was hooked! Love the chord progressions, the nuance. everything. Last week, I met my friend again and he showed me Crowd Lu's new album, What a Folk!!!. I listened to the whole album once. Then somehow, there's a melody that stucks in my mind, but I'm not really sure which song. So I listened the album again, and found the culprit.

It's 結婚鑽戒 (Wedding Ring) and when my friend told me the story of the song, it' sad AF.

And now, somehow I can't pass a day without listening to the song. Damn me and my "galau"ness.

So this is the song.

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