Okay guys, I need to make an objective post about this. Feel free to help.
I've spent the last year in New Zealand. In April,
shihadchick got me a job at her work while she went to the USA for 6 weeks (yay nepotism). I feel I did a relatively good job with minimal amounts of whining (and not an overly large amount of sarcasm and I learned how to drive standard and can sort of do it now *proud*) and my opinions were sort of validated in June when they asked me to come back for 3 months (though I try not to get too inflated a head; I'm only replacing Ahmed after all). They're looking for someone to fill Ahmed's role for at least the next year. They're having trouble and C's boss keeps dropping unsubtle hints that I should stay on for a year. The work isn't amazing, but I can easily see myself being perfectly happy doing it for a year. So, what do I do?
I've never had a work term of longer than 8 months, it would probably look okay on my resume to commit to something for a while even if it's of dubious relevance to my degree
Holcim can, according to Hayden, sort out my visa
I currently have no job in Canada to return to
I am part of the wedding party for Christian's wedding next summer.
I would also like to be home for Christmas, attend Con-G in February and MJ in April
I have booked a flight home for October. It will probably cost a lot to cancel and/or change it.
I cannot extend my travel insurance but Holcim (C's company) apparently subsidizes insurance and I would be able to purchase insurance for while I'm here.
If I stay, I can live with C and then live with
blademistress after V leaves her.
If I stay I can be here for C's 30th.
If I stay, I'll have more time to show C all the stuff she still needs to watch, see more of NZ, go to Auckland Armageddon and the U2 concert with all the fangirls.
I miss my Canada friends and my family
digitalsprawl might need the work at Holcim and C's garage more than I do.
Continuing to procrastinate being an adult might not be the best decision as I would still like to find a goal and work towards it and I keep not bothering to do that while I'm here but I'm coming around to the idea that that might not be such a big deal. My friends and acquaintances here are mostly older than me and have similar problems and are still awesome and driven in different ways and don't have their lives as classically put together as some of my firends back home and make me feel better about being a total flake.
Okay, so that's that. I'll add more if I think of anything else but that's the gist of the arguments currently. Feel free to add, challenge, change, argue and convince. I'm in decision-stressing-over mode.