(no subject)

Apr 27, 2006 16:02

Ok this whole writing/keeping a blog thing is kinda geting to me, is it realy worth my time to write and read them. I do enjoy reading about my friends and how there lives are going, the thing that is bugging me is the drama that goes with it. It is the people that are not my friends but still read the posts, or people that are reading your stuff, but you can not read theirs. They think they are sneaky, but always seem to get found out and then the drama begins. Talking on your blog about other people, especialy in a negative way has effects that you are not even aware of. Ever wonder why that person that used to talk to you all of a sudden stops? probably read about you in someone's blog and now thinks you are an evil being. Then you have people who will say something in their blogs but when it starts drama and you go back and look for that entry......wow like magic it is gone, or the offending comments have been edited out. Can we go back to the good old days when the inernet was used for good....like looking for porn. So really if you are reading my stuff to learn about me or get some personal dirt...stop wasting your time I don't write anything like that, here is an idea maybe oh I don't know be my friend, ask me stuff in person who knows I might even tell you stuff. Besides anything that I might possibly write I will have no trouble saying it in person too.

Here have a bunny pic to make you day a little better.

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